Friday, August 5, 2011

10 Things I Learned Today

  1. Even though the internet told me Staples had 12 sheets of magnetic paper for $15.99, it lied.  They only had 4 sheets for $9.99.
  2. 4 sheets of magnetic paper was not worth the 2 1/2 hrs it took to go to 5 different places to find it.  People, carry what I need!
  3. When putting a dry wall anchor in the wall, I will find the stud every time.
  4. Some people will complain no matter how much you do for them.
  5. My mother's guilt trips do not work on me any more  :)
  6. You can have a remarkable amount of energy on 2 hrs of sleep.
  7. An imaging technician can love to tell you 25 reasons her female co-workers are "fucking lazy bitches" while she is doing a procedure.  Norma, thanks for cracking me up while you crammed that ultrasound looking into my blocked vein.  She took the time to show me the screen and explain as she went along.  This was sure to piss off the "fucking lazy bitches since they kept calling her on the phone she never answered while she was doing a procedure.
  8. There are still some places where you can fill out paperwork for one doctor, have blood drawn and get a doppler, and still be out of there in less than an hour.
  9. You son spilling your Aragan oil can make for a really slippery floor.
  10. 11 yr olds can still have really bad aim
And , yes, I am still fucking awsome  :)

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