Monday, December 26, 2011

It Takes A Country

In the realm of political debate, I hear so many people complain about how big government is and how it should do less for people.  They think all the government is doing is giving money to people who are too lazy to help themselves.  They judge people without knowing a thing about them; what they have been through and fought through.  They are labeled lazy simply because they get assistance of some kind, whether it be food stamps, cash assistance or healthcare.

It has always been the the response of such people that it should be left to churches and the private sector to see to helping these people.  The truth is they don't.  Not in the way they should.  Not in the way they could.  They hand pick those they are willing to help, and some will only help you if you vow to become an active member of their religion, and that means showing up every week for church.  For some that might work just fine, but what if you are a Catholic getting help from the Jehovah's witnesses, or a Buddhist getting help from a Catholic church.  And, if the government didn't help people, there would be millions who fall through the cracks, that don't get the help they need.  Our government can send billions to other countries to help them with poverty, but for some reason it has become despicable to help people in our own country.  I have heard some people say the government needs to help our own people instead of giving so much to immigrants, and yet in the same breath, that people don't have jobs because they are lazy.  Where in the Bible does it say you should only help people who are of your own faith?  Is that what Jesus did?  Yes, I know it says somewhere in the Bible, "God helps those who helps themselves", but it also says, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'  People want God in their government when it suits them, but they went to forget about him when it doesn't.

People in hundreds of different situations need help for hundreds of different reasons.  Unless you are privy to someone's private life, don't judge them for it.  I think there is something about that in the Bible, too.  People need to quit thinking it is beneath them to help someone by way of the government, because they can't pick and choose who they help.  Yes, there will always be people who will take advantage of any system of help, but the majority of people shelve their pride because they have no choice but to ask for help, and they don't do it because they are lazy.  Some would rather die than ask for help.  People lose their jobs and their houses and their families and a lot of times its through no fault of their own.  What is so wrong about collectively helping people who need it?  I wonder sometimes if people were this way during The Great Depression; if it was so easy to look the other way and say, "its not my problem".

I'm not a Socialist.  If you want to call me a 'tree hugger' or a liberal, then I am glad to accept that title.  But really, I'm just a human being.

(If this wanders a little, sorry, I have been awake too many hours)

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